Need a co-packer?

your brand’s
co-packing partner

No other facility in Montana can do what we do!

Comprehensive Beverage Co-Packing Solution

Need beverage co-packing capabilities for producing your beverage brand? We can handle all aspects of production, from product testing to blending and packaging to warehousing, and all at an unrivaled scale and cost.

The best co-packing capabilities west of the Mississippi

Our manufacturing team has built over 20 beverage plants across the U.S., many of which have received global awards within their respective industries. Quality and cost control drive every aspect of our plant operations, which is why our beverage co-packing facility offers low MOQs, a state-of-the-art QA lab, customizable water profiles, and ample storage.

Having our facility in Helena, Montana allows us to take advantage of shipping rates out of the state that are one-third of the cost to ship into the state. Because Montana imports almost all of its beverages, all of the trucks delivering them leave the state empty, so we’re changing that!

 Plant Highlight

  • Ideal location along two major interstate routes in northern Rockies/PNW

  • 1000 gallon MOQs

  • State-of-the-art QA and food safety lab

  • Automated CIP processes

  • Customizable water profiles

  • Tunnel pasteurization

  • Favorable storage rates

  • Distillery license

 Lab Capabilities

  • Anton Paar dissolved oxygen testing

  • Anton Paar CO2 testing

  • Hach pH testing

  • Rudolph benchtop density testing

  • Rudolph alcohol meter testing

  • bioMerieux sterility testing (yeast, molds, bacteria)

  • CMC-KUHNKE can seam inspection

 Blending Capabilities

  • 2000-gallon jacketed and non-jacketed blending tanks

  • Baffled walls, offset agitators

  • Blending table with high-shear pumps

  • Automated water and ingredient additions

 Packaging Line Capabilities

  • 55cpm run speed

  • In-line deaeration

  • In-line cooling and carbonating

  • Tunnel pasteurization

  • In-line sleeve application

  • Case bundling

  • Carton application with variety-pack capabilities

  • Standard can sizes: 12 oz. and 16 oz. (both with 202 LOE ends)

  • Standard carton configurations: 12 oz. 4-pack and 8-pack, 16 oz. 8-pack
    (Other can sizes and carton configurations are available for a fee)

 Warehousing Capabilities

  • Ample dry storage

  • Favorable dry storage rates

  • Cooler and freezer storage

  • Full truckload can warehousing

  • LTL can pallets